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Palomar College: Community Partner of the Year

SAN MARCOS — On Sept. 26, California State University of San Marcos (CSUSM) awarded Palomar College their Community Partner of the Year award for 2023.

The CSUSM Partner of the Year is an award that honors CSUSM partners around San Diego who help support their students and the community around them.

During the Report to the Community event, Dr. Patricia L Prado-Olmos, the university’s Chief of Community Engagement, introduced the award. She shared why the award was important. Her thoughts admired the partnership between CSUSM and Palomar. These two schools provide a unique opportunity for students to accelerate their educational journey.

A student can pursue their associate’s degree at Palomar at the same time they pursue their Bachelor’s at CSUSM. This simultaneous approach allows students to expand their knowledge faster and start their careers sooner.

The President of CSUSM, Dr. Ellen Neufeldt, presented the award to Palomar’s president, Dr. Star Rivera-Lacey. She shared, “Superintendent/President Star Rivera-Lacy and the faculty and staff at Palomar are raising the educational attainment of our region while simultaneously contributing to the economic development and prosperity of our communities.”

President Rivera-Lacey accepted the award on behalf of everyone at Palomar. She also spoke highly of Dr. Ellen Neufeldt and CSUSM. She said, “it is leaders like Ellen who provide all educators an opportunity to change the trajectory of lives, and this is the type of leadership that truly matters for the betterment of our society.”

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