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Voters decide on death penalty

Two death penalty propositions were on the November ballot but only one of them passed.

Voter supported Proposition 66 with 54.37 percent. For Proposition 62, the majority of 54.83 voted no.

The death penalty has become a topic of controversy from millennials to adults deciding on whether they should vote yes on Prop. 62 or no on Prop. 66 or vice versa.

Prop. 62 means death row inmates would be shifted to life without parole instead of imprisonment. Additionally, prisoners serving life will be required to work while in prison and 60 percent of their earnings would got toward victim restitution. Prop 62 could save California’s $150 million a year by taking away the death penalty.

Prop. 66 aims to reinforce and speed up the death penalty. This proposition changes the appeals process and removes regulation from imprisonment officials who are developing execution methods.

“California Prop. 66 is a dangerous human experiment. The death penalty is broken and it can’t be fixed. Vote #NoOn66 and #YesOn62 on Nov. 8,” stated sister Helen Prejean an anti- death penalty activist via Twitter.

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