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GSA plans for future of connectivity

Gender Sexuality Alliance has made its number one goal for this semester to be building a stronger community amongst all North County campuses, reaching further than only Palomar.

Club President Iman Usman wants the GSA club to have more events beyond activism. She said she wants members of the LGBTQ to find joy and peace with others through enjoyable events, such as movie nights.

“We’re going to try to get out and volunteer together,” Usman said. “Really get out there and do things to help the community. That’s a really great way to make friends and get to know one another.”

Along with work set to help better lives for LGBTQ, Usman said she would like to host easy and fun events with other GSA clubs from other college campuses.

“Vito Russo, an activist in San Francisco during the AIDS crisis, would have these film nights and all the gay people who were oppressed would get together,” Usman said. “We want to have something like that.”

Usman added that she believes that it is essential for clubs in the North County to stay connected.

For more information about the North County Resource Center’s events, check


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