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What are you doing over spring break?

Jocelyn Figueroa, 20, Nursing

“Working at a surgery center and retirement home. Probably take some time off since I’m always busy.”



Christian Jarrett, 19, Theater

“I am continuing this performing comedy program I always do, and going on a Disneyland trip with my friends. We’re going to try to get a hotel.”


Roxana Righetti, 31, Visual and Performing Arts

“Encourage myself to do some drawing or painting.”



Grant Swedberg, 18, Nursing

“Probably just going to the beach I guess, play some basketball. I’m pretty lazy.”



Lenka Schalke, Health Center Staff Assistant

“Just relax, not anything specific. The Health Center is trying to show students that they can party over spring break, but to do it safely.”



Brandon Rayborne, 22, Network Administration

“To visit my son and my wife back home in Northern California.”


Image Sources

  • Jocelyn Figueroa, Spring Break 2016: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
  • Christian Jarrett, Spring Break 2016: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
  • 25283656019_4fcd19e0ab_k: The Telescope Newspaper | All Rights Reserved
  • Grant Swedberg, Spring Break 2016: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
  • Lenka Schalke, Spring Break 2016: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
  • Brandon Rayborne, Spring Break 2016: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
  • Telescope speakout: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
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