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Is Palomar College Counseling Department doing their Job?

Palomar College is a community college that is here to provide excellent opportunities and help further your education, whether you are trying to get a certificate, an AA, or have the opportunity to transfer to a four-year university. Palomar provides a great variety of classes and majors that you could possibly be looking forward to pursuing.

The majority of people who attend Palomar College are looking to transfer to a university after completing 60 units of general education standards that all students must complete before moving on to a 4-year university.

Although many people may believe it is easy to figure out what courses you need to take it’s not that simple. Because there are two different types of general education, for both Cal State and a University, you have to figure out what one you are going to try and complete even before taking just one college class.

Because this process can be very frustrating and cause a lot of stress, it might be easier for you to make a counseling appointment. You can try and make an appointment at Palomar College Counseling Services.

But many times when you go to make an appointment it will say “If you do not see 1-hr appointments below – please check back or call the Counseling Front Desk at 760-891-7511 for other appointment options or to check for cancellations of same-day appointments.”

When talking to Palomar College student Deyanira Avila, she had this to say after being asked if it is simple and easy to make a counseling appointment, “No, it is frustrating, I need to know things that I cannot figure out on my own, especially when it comes to what I need to transfer. I have tried to make plenty of appointments but every time I try, it just says to call the counseling front desk, and half of the time they don’t answer either. They need to figure this out because it makes me very stressed.”

When trying to make counseling appointments myself I have run into the same problem a lot as well. It is frustrating that it is happening to this many people around our campus and Palomar College seems to be doing nothing about it. I have been coming to Palomar College for around four years now and I have always had a problem trying to book an appointment.

Is the counseling department doing anything to change how their website is run, set up, etc? Because so many students are having problems with just making a simple appointment whether it is just to ask about the proper classes, talk about transferring, or make sure they are doing everything correctly while being on track to make the jump to a four-year university. Are they doing enough for the students?

Image Sources

  • Telescope Opinion: Trina McLeary | The Telescope | All Rights Reserved

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