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Faculty Awards given to two winners this year

SAN MARCOS-Congratulations are in order for two Palomar College faculty members.

Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, full-time English professor, and Luke Bisagna, adjunct Media Studies professor, are the recipients of the 2017 Palomar College Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Each year Palomar recognizes one full-time and one part-time faculty member whose integrity, enthusiasm, knowledge, creativity and dedication among other criteria illuminates the very best of teaching at the college. The award may only be received once during a professor’s lifetime of teaching.

Other 2017 Distinguished Faculty Awards Finalists include full-time professors: Peter Bowman, political science, Scott Kardel, astronomy, Beatrice Manneh, world languages, Leanne Maunu, English, and Travis Ritt, history, and adjuncts: Genevieve Griffin, psychology, Jack Hook, public safety, Brenda Terry, computer science and information systems, Sara Yerushalmian, psychology, Heydar Zahedani, mathematics, and Anastasia Zavodny, economics.

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  • Telescope brief: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
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