Today’s Song of the Day is picked by Whoev
Song of the day is Sesame Street’s “Lowercase n,” an uplifting tale of a lonely small letter who found true love from outer space. Written and performed by Steve Zuckerman and premiering on March 8, 1972, this song has since been an inspiration to single letters longing for the day a “rocket ship” shall deliver their extraterrestrial companions to their respective hills, upon which they wait with pensive hope.
Having been legally deaf until a series of corrective operations restored his hearing at age seven, Steve Zuckerman “knew from that moment on that my future lay in making ‘noise.'” Working for Children’s Television Workshop (Sesame Street) before age 20, he created several songs including “Lowercase n” and another alphabetic classic, “Capital I.” Steve went on to work on many soundtracks for a variety of animated and youth-aimed projects; he also created the sounds of hundreds of television commercials and is the author of short stories and novels, including the “Alien Roadkill” science fiction series.