Countdown to Christmas: A Very Wind Down Christmas

It’s our Countdown to Christmas where some of your favorite KKSM personalities pick their favorite Christmas tunes, here are some selections from Serena Reid, host of Wind Down Wednesdays. 


This Christmas-Donny Hathaway


THE definitive song at Christmas for me and every black family I know is the unforgettable “This Christmas” by Donny Hathaway.  His was a life that left us much too soon; I’m sure there was plenty more music he had to give us. His iconic duets with Miss Roberta Flak stand alone as music created from the soul and no mater how many times you hear their music, or how old you get, that same emotion you got the first time you heard them sing always comes back.


As it is wth “This Christmas.” Many people have redone the song; some tried to emulate Donny, and some put there own spin on it.  However, Donny’s soulful rendition can never be duplicated and wish people would stop trying.  This should be one song folks should just leave alone.  It should also be on everyone’s Christmas playlist.


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer-The Temptations


You ever hear people sing and think,  ‘Damn, I could listen to them sing the telephone book!”   I may be dating myself, but I loved watching the Rankin/Bass Christmas movies.  And honestly, after I heard this version of the song, it gave their  “Rudolph”  movie a different meaning!  Imagine Rudolph and his posse in bell bottoms and apple caps (look it up)  And no matter what song The Temptations were singing, they always, ALWAYS had the dance moves to boot!


 I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus-The Jackson Five​


So, growing up, when us kids heard this song, we honestly thought that someone caught their mom cheating on their dad!  But many years later, we finally got it.  We also thought this was an original Jackson Five song.  But it was more than that.  All the adults thought if The Jackson Five can sing Christmas music, so can my kids.  I remember me, my brothers, sisters and cousins lined up trying to be them a gatherings and trying to do this song  I’m still traumatized, but I also think we were the first people in the country to do lip sync battles!!