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A Faculty of Creativity

SAN MARCOS — The Boehm Gallery opened its first exhibition of the semester with a lively reception on Thursday, August 31. The exhibition titled “Ripe” will be open through September 21 and showcases pieces from faculty artists in mediums as varied as the art programs Palomar College offers.

Director Bulis reflected on the challenges of exhibiting such a diverse group of works but was proud of how everything came together. The exhibit provides an artistry of multiple dimensions with muted 3D works of handcrafted jewelry, ceramic vessels, and blown glass surrounded by introspective paintings, photographs, and mixed media.

The exhibition features three sets of ink and watercolor “Memory Disks” by artist Briana Miyoko Stanley, who recently joined Palomar College’s Art Department as an assistant professor. To pair with her submission to the exhibition, Stanley will be speaking about her creative practices and existing body of work in an artist talk at the Boehm Gallery on September 13 at 1 p.m.

An annual event, this year’s faculty exhibition also showcases a wide array of works. The selection of works includes “Vista Means View,” a map-centric multimedia piece by Director Ryan Bulis that marks significant locations in his life. Glass arts professor Michael Hernandez has multiple pieces on display, such as “Alternate Ending,” a hanging yellow stumped glass piece and “Seventeen” a blue blown glass piece.

Attending after an in-class recommendation, Palomar College student Briana Balderas, came to view the oil painting submitted by her professor Stephen P. Curry titled “Crown”—a large canvas portraying green bananas on a blue background. Balderas said that she was urged by Curry to view his piece but expressed her appreciation of the exhibition as a whole.

Balderas described the experience as valuable and commented that “looking at the art and seeing every brush stroke and the intent and technique of the painter” creates an impactful impression for learning artists.

The annual faculty exhibition is an inspiring start to the new school year offering an opportunity for faculty to exhibit their talents beyond the classroom and for students to explore their faculty’s work up close and in person.

The Bohem Gallery is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and “Ripe: Annual Art and Photography Faculty Exhibition” runs from August 31 to September 21.

Be sure to carve out some time to view the diverse selection of works by our talented faculty.

For more information on the Boehm Gallery and Art Department, check out the links below:

Bohem Gallery-

Palomar Art Homepage-


Image Sources

  • IMG_2691.JPG: Victoria Gudmundson | All Rights Reserved

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