Meh or Treat

Okay, so my Haloween time was rather… meh. I still haven’t replaced my busted glasses, but at least I found my last pair, which are working okay.

Work is hitting the doldrums times; support requests don’t really come in after the tenth week of the semester, and we surely aren’t going to apply any system updates until the winter break hits. We haven’t even had anyone threaten to blow up the campus in quite a while…

On the up side, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. For some reason I am really looking forward to decorating the house this year. (Of course I would never dream of putting up anything before Thanksgiving. That really should be a law somewhere…) I believe I will also put up some sort of decorations in the office; pics will just have to follow. (Hey, this will give me something “productive” to do, given that I have to work the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Huzzah!)