
B -Thailand

(lesson- reading for understanding – B)

A country that is slightly smaller than Texas, Thailand is bordered by Burma on the West, Laos on the north, and Cambodia on the southeast. To the very south is the Gulf of Thailand.  There are four distinct regions: Central Thailand, where most people live and more; Northern Thailand, which is mountainous and still partially forested; the Northeast, or Isaan, which is a fairly dry plateau and is home to the least-wealthy Thais; and the South, which stretches along the thin Malay Peninsula and is covered with farms, mountains, and rain forests. There are many beautiful islands like Phuket, Koh Tao, on the east coast, and Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand described by some as “heaven on earth.”  The population is approximately 68 million of which 8 to 10 million live in the capital city of Bangkok.

Temperatures in Thailand average about 80°F throughout the year, and drop slightly during December and January.  The monsoon season in Central, North, and Northeast Thailand lasts from June through October. It is followed by a period of dry weather with slightly lower temperatures from November to mid-February, and then the hot, dry summer from February to May. Southeastern regions have a “tropical rain forest” climate with little variation in temperature and rain most of the year.

A pleasant time to vacation in Thailand is definitely from November to February when the temperature is about 80°F during those months and there is less or no rain.

The monsoon season in Central, North, and Northeast Thailand lasts from June through October. It is followed by a period of dry weather with slightly lower temperatures from November to mid-February, and then the hot, dry summer from February to May. Southeastern regions have a “tropical rain forest” climate with little variation in temperature and rain most of the year.

The predominant religion of Thailand is Buddhism practiced by 95 percent of the Thai people.  Other religious groups include Muslims, Hindus, and Christians.

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