SAN MARCOS (April 6, 2016) – Tarde de Familia: An Evening for Our Families will be held at the Palomar College Escondido Center on  Friday, April 15, from 6 – 8 p.m. The Escondido Center is located at 1951 East Valley Parkway, Escondido 92027. The event will include speakers, networking opportunities, and public safety demonstrations. Dinner and parking are complimentary. Presentations will be in Spanish.

This semester, the Tarde de Familia event highlights the Public Safety program. Featured speakers are five Latino firefighters who have overcome adversity to achieve their educational and career goals in Public Safety. The speakers are Jorge Gonzalez, Rodney Ortiz, David Ontiveros, Jesus “Chuy” Ramirez and Ricardo Tlapala. They will share stories of their personal struggles and successes on their way to becoming community professionals.

Following the presentations, guests will be able to network with representatives from the various academic, student services and support programs available at Palomar College. There will also be special appearances by Mercy Air helicopter, Escondido Fire Unit 1312, and Escondido Police K-9 unit.

Designed to bring together students and their families with Latino professionals, this biannual event also showcases the many programs and resources available to assist underrepresented students at Palomar College.

Tarde de Familia is hosted by the Multicultural Studies department and chair Dr. Rodolfo Jacobo, who originated the event in 2011. “We are proud to be celebrating our sixth year with this event which provides hope, inspiration and concrete information to our students.”

According to Dr. Jack Kahn, dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), “Thanks to Dr. Jacobo and other members of Association of Latinos and Allies for Student Success (ALASS), an all-volunteer group of staff, faculty and students, this event gets bigger and better each semester.”Formed to provide support to the Hispanic community, the group has enlisted representatives from several College departments and programs to offer outreach at the event. Some areas to be represented include English as a Second Language (ESL); SBS; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC); Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP); Star Tutoring; and many others.

With figures showing Palomar’s Hispanic student population at 39% and growing, the College is recognized as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and receives funding from the federal government designated “to assist with strengthening institutional programs, facilities, and services to expand the educational opportunities for Hispanic Americans and other underrepresented populations.” (U.S. Dept. of Education website). Kahn said that Tarde de Familia is one of many events and programs HSI funding helps make possible.

For more information about Tarde de Familia, contact, 760-744-1150, ext. 2262.

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Melinda Finn, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150, ext. 2365,
Laura Gropen, Director, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150, ext. 2152,
Carmelino Cruz, English as a Second Language, 760-744-1150, ext. 2262,

Información en español

¡El Colegio Palomar los invita cordialmente a participar en nuestra Tarde de Familia!

Viernes, 15 de Abril 2016

6 – 8 p.m.

Palomar College Escondido Center

1951 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido CA 92027

Escuchen relatos sobre los obstáculos y éxitos personales de tres latinos que superaron la adversidad para lograr sus metas educativas y ejercer sus carreras en el campo de la SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA!

Al concluir las presentaciones, pasen a convivir con los oradores y varios representantes quienes les darán información sobre las diversas ramas académicas y recursos de apoyo disponibles en el Colegio Palomar.

Presentaciones especiales en helicóptero Mercy Air,

Unidad de bomberos de Escondido 1312, y Departamento de Policia de Escondido K -9!

Presentaciones serán en español.

¡Estacionamiento y Cena Gratis!

Por favor presione AQUĺ para registrarse más rápido

Para más información, llame al 760-744-1150 x2262 o mande un correo electrónico a

Anfitrión Dr. Rodolfo Jacobo, Departamento de Estudios Multiculturales

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