April 24, 2017


Semi-annual Student Art & Craft Sale, plus Annual Open House and Boehm Gallery Opening Reception for the Annual Student Exhibition



Art Sale: Wednesday – Saturday, May 3 – 6
Wednesday, 1 – 7 p.m.
Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Boehm Gallery Opening Reception and Art Department Open House: Friday, May 5
5 – 8 p.m.
(Boehm Gallery exhibit on display May 1 – 23)

Art Sale: Palomar College Art Department Courtyard next to buildings C and D
Opening Reception: Boehm Gallery

The Art Department Complex is near the front of campus, adjacent to parking lots 1 and 2.
It is accessed from the College’s front entrance: 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069

The student art and craft sale presents handmade pieces by Palomar College students and alumni in glass, ceramics, jewelry, wood, metals, painting, photography and more.

The event will include live demonstrations in glassblowing, ceramics, computer graphics, painting and foundry. Proceeds benefit the artists and the Art Department, helping support the semi-annual sale,  scholarships, visiting artists, exhibitions and new equipment. Shoppers may pay with cash, checks or credit cards.

Parking is available in lots 1 and 2 without a permit.

 More information:
http://www.palomarart.com/Michael Hernandez, Art Faculty, 760-744-1150, ext. 2308, mhernandez2@palomar.edu
Paul Helling, Art Department, 760-744-1150, ext. 2302, phelling@palomar.edu

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Melinda Finn, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150, ext. 2365, mfinn@palomar.edu
Laura Gropen, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150, ext.2152, lgropen@palomar.edu
Michael Hernandez, Art Faculty, 760-744-1150, ext. 2308, mhernandez2@palomar.edu
Paul Helling, Art Department, 760-744-1150, ext. 2302, phelling@palomar.edu