SAN MARCOS — At its meeting on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, the Palomar Community College District (PCCD) Governing Board adopted a resolution authorizing the requirement of COVID-19 vaccination for all student athletes.
Resolution No. 21-21604 requires all Palomar College student athletes competing in California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) competitions in the 2021-22 academic year to be vaccinated immediately, with allowances for religious and medical-related exemptions.
Unlike the vaccination and immunization plans previously adopted for students and employees, the athletics vaccination plan is in effect regardless of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval status of any COVID-19 vaccines.
“The health and safety of all of our students is our main priority. Our student athletes have potential exposure as they travel to and from our campus for competitions,” said Superintendent/President Dr. Star Rivera-Lacey. “This policy enables Palomar College athletes the opportunity to participate in the sports they love.”
The resolution follows the adoption of Board Policies 5210 (Communicable Disease – Students) and 7330 (Communicable Disease), and Administrative Procedures 5210 (Communicable Disease – Students) and 7330 (Communicable Diseases). Those policies and procedures were recently adopted to protect the health and safety of students and employees on campus and during college events.
Read the full text of Resolution 21-21604.
Photo of Palomar Comets women’s volleyball by Hugh Cox for Palomar Athletics.