The return to campus on Tuesday, February 22, took place with precautions to limit the risks of COVID-19 exposure.
SAN MARCOS — Palomar College reopened its main campus in San Marcos and education centers in Escondido, Rancho Bernardo and Fallbrook on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 as part of a plan to safely transition face-to-face courses that were temporarily taught online, back to the classroom.
The Spring semester began January 31 with most classes in a virtual format due to the regional impact of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. The transition to in-person learning and student services also included the college’s faculty and staff resuming on-site work.
“I’m very proud of our leadership team and the interdepartmental collaboration that took place to make it possible to safely reopen our main campus and education centers,” said Superintendent/President Dr. Star Rivera-Lacey. “It is wonderful to see students, faculty and staff on campus again after nearly two years.”
Health and safety precautions in place for the reopening include enforcement of the college’s vaccine policy, an indoor facial covering requirement for all students and employees regardless of vaccination status, daily health screening using the Cleared4 platform, and COVID-19 testing services available at all sites.
A number of events were scheduled to take place on the San Marcos campus during the first week back, including a “Comet Together Again” welcome event to provide students with access to services, campus support departments, and Associated Student Government leaders.
“I’m confident that we are doing everything possible to continue providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all of our students, and a safe work space for our faculty and staff,” said Dr. Rivera-Lacey.
For more information about Palomar College’s safe reopening plan, visit