SAN MARCOS (October 9, 2017) – Palomar Community College District’s Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Final Budget was approved at the September 12 meeting of the Governing Board.
Palomar College Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services Ron Perez presented the budget, which shows the Total Revenue and Beginning Balance as $144,314,716.00, and Total Expenditures and Reserves as $144,314,716.00.
Palomar Superintendent/President Dr. Joi Lin Blake said, “The college’s core mission and function is that of student learning; therefore, all fiscal and budget decisions have been made with that in mind. This year’s budget seeks to build on prior year’s accomplishments and to respond to the changing educational needs of our students.”
Perez explained that this year the Governor dedicates funding to the key State priorities of education, counteracting the effects of poverty, improving transportation infrastructure, and continuing to increase the State’s Rainy Day Fund. Some of the details, as explained by Perez, include the following:
Specific to community colleges, the 2017 Budget Act includes $8.6 billion, a $270.2 million increase over the 2016 Budget Act level. Proposition 98 funding of $74.8 billion is also included in the 2017 Budget Act, a $2.6 billion increase over the 2016 Budget Act level. “Developed conservatively,” Perez said, “this budget is the result of a Board-adopted Integrated Planning, Evaluation, and Resource Allocation Decision-Making Model (IPM) and a Resource Allocation Model (RAM) to identify available resources in the development of the District’s annual budget process.”
Perez said, “The budget has been prepared in accordance with state regulations and local policies covering the required twelve month period from July 1 through June 30. The timely preparation of this budget document was made possible by the ongoing commitment and dedicated service of the Budget Committee, Budget Office, Payroll, Fiscal Accounting, Student Financials, Purchasing, and Creative Services staff. We also extend our appreciation to everyone on the Executive Leadership Team, the Budget Committee, deans, directors, project managers, and support staff that helped complete the FY 2017-18 Budget.
Perez, who is also Acting Vice President for Human Resource Services at Palomar, is chair of the Budget Committee, which includes Carmen Coniglio, Director, Fiscal Services; Brandi Y. Taveuveu, Manager, Budget and Payroll; and College Representatives .
The Adopted Budget is available online at
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Media contacts:
Melinda Finn, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150 x2365
Laura Gropen, Public Affairs Office Director, 760-744-1150 x2152