Palomar College Celebrates
Grand Opening of Humanities Building


SAN MARCOS, CA (October 10, 2014) – Palomar College officials are shown cutting the ribbon at the Grand Opening of the Humanities Building at the College in San Marcos on October 10. Pictured from left, are Governing Board Student Trustee Jason Hosfield, Governing Board Trustees Nancy Chadwick and  Mark Evilsizer, Governing Board Vice President John Halcón and President Paul McNamara, and Palomar College Superintendent/President Robert P. Deegan.


Deegan officiated at the event, which featured comments from McNamara, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instructional Services Berta Cuaron, Dean of Languages and Literature Shayla Sivert, and Student Trustee/Associated Student Government President Hosfield. The official speaker for the event was the Chair of the Speech Communication/Forensics/American Sign Language (ASL) Department and ASL Professor Kevin McLellan.

Built with funds from Proposition M, a bond measure approved by voters in November 2006, the 90,000-square-foot, three-story Humanities Building houses the following disciplines: English/Humanities, English as a Second Language, Reading Services, Speech Communication/Forensics/American Sign Language, World Languages, and Journalism.

In addition to the ribbon-cutting, the grand opening event included  self-guided tours of the facility.





Media contacts:  Melinda Finn, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150 x2365
Laura Gropen, Public Affairs Department, 760-744-1150 x2152