SAN MARCOS — The Palomar Community College District Governing Board voted unanimously to approve the “purple” map of redistricted trustee areas during its regular meeting on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

The vote to approve Resolution No. 21-21619 followed a series of virtual public meetings, including two on Saturday, January 29, in which several proposed maps were discussed.

“I am very appreciative of everyone who participated in this process. The contributions of our District voters were crucial to selecting a new map to ensure we continue to have fair elections in the governance of our District,” said Palomar College Superintendent/President Dr. Star Rivera-Lacey.

The approved map of trustee area boundaries will be sent to the San Diego County Board of Education for certification by March 1, and will be in effect starting with the November 2022 election.

View the new trustee area map and access the recorded public hearings.

On May 20, 2019, the California Community College Board of Governors adopted a resolution approving Palomar’s change from at-large to by-trustee area elections. With a trustee area election system, board members are elected by voters residing within the specific election district area.

The PCCD held its first trustee-area election in November 2020. Currently:

  • Trustee Mark Evilsizer represents Area 1, including most of the district south of Highway 78 and west of I-15;
  • Trustee Christian Garcia represents Area 2, encompassing most of Escondido and the eastern third of the Highway 78 corridor;
  • Vice President Roberto Rodriguez represents Area 3, which includes much of Vista, stretches across unincorporated land north of Escondido and extends along the eastern side of Interstate 15 as far south as Poway;
  • Board Secretary Kartik Raju represents Area 4, a sprawling district extending from I-15 east to near the Salton Sea;
  • And Board President Norma Miyamoto represents Trustee Area 5, including Fallbrook, Bonsall, east Oceanside and Camp Pendleton.