San Marcos, CA (May 28, 2015) – Palomar College Director of Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs Laura Gropen was awarded the 2015 All PRO Award from the California Community College Public Relations Organization (CCPRO). Gropen received the award at the Awards Banquet during CCPRO’S annual conference, held at the Wyndham Hotel in San Diego on April 23, 2015.

CCPRO “presents this award annually to the individual in our ranks who stands out as among the best in our business,” wrote Peter Anning, chair of the All PRO selection committee. “Nominations for the All PRO Award are solicited from college presidents, district superintendents, chancellors and public relations professionals.”

Palomar College Superintendent/President Robert P. Deegan nominated Gropen for the award. He said, “Laura has provided me and the college with important direction on a number of criticalcommunications issues, including dealing with wildfires, campus evacuations for power outages…andcountless other incidents.  She has also been instrumental in singing the college’s praise, placing manypositive stories in all of the local media outlets and landing our college on the front page (or at the topof the news) a number of times.

“In addition to her public/media relations skills, she is a highly-respected public affairsprofessional,” Deegan said. “Her contacts and relationships with elected officials and their staffs haveproven to be an asset over the years.  This honor is well-deserved. Laura serves as a great example for other PIOs/PAOs in the state.”

Gropen is president-elect of the CCPRO organization, and served as vice president for the last year. She has led the Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs Office at Palomar College since 2009. Prior to that she was Marketing Services Manager for 3C Media and CCC Confer, two California Community Colleges grant-funded projects, based at Palomar College in San Marcos.

According to their website, “CCPRO is a statewide professional development and service organization that seeks to promote excellence in California’s community college public relations and related professions. The organization serves as a central resource of information and provides counsel and assistance relating to the advancement of community colleges statewide and the professional growth of its members.”




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Media contacts:

Melinda Finn, Public Affairs Office, 760-744-1150 x2365
Laura Gropen, Director, Public Affairs, 760-744-1150 x2152