Two days before commencement, hundreds of students and supporters gathered for a special event: the annual distribution of scholarships. The ceremony honored some of Palomar’s “best and brightest” with recognition and financial support.
Pictured above: The recipients of this year’s Agnes Hammond Library Technology Scholarship stand with Palomar College Public Services Librarian Linda Morrow during Honors Night. Left to right: Ariel Hammond, Casey Koss, Morrow, Carly Gutierrez and Danielle Davis.
SAN MARCOS, CA ― Hundreds of people filled the Student Union at Palomar College on Wednesday, May 23, for an annual celebration of student success known as Scholarship Honors Night. Organized by the Palomar College Foundation, the event brought together some of Palomar’s top scholarship recipients, their families, community leaders and college officials in a ceremony in which some $425,000 was awarded.
The Foundation oversees 125 scholarship programs, and 2018 was the 33rd year that organizers brought together donors and recipients for the annual celebration.
“This event embodies the heart of the Palomar College Foundation’s mission, to inspire philanthropy to remove financial barriers for our students,” said Executive Director Stacy Rungaitis. “We celebrate our student scholarship recipients and the generous donors who are indeed inspired to invest in them. Education changes lives, and that was clearly showcased here tonight.”
Palomar College Superintendent/President Joi Lin Blake, Ed.D., described the evening as a celebration of the academic achievements of some of Palomar’s best and brightest students, and thanked the financial donors who supported them.
“It is with their generous support that we are able to assist so many students tonight,” said Blake. “Scholarships help outstanding students of all backgrounds and circumstances reach their unique academic goals. We are indebted to our donors for their generous financial support and for their ongoing commitment to Palomar College.”
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Media contacts:
Laura Gropen, Public Affairs,, 760-744-1150 x2152
Tom Pfingsten, Public Affairs,, 760-744-1150 x2960