Mark Evilsizer begins his fifth term and Norma Miyamoto begins her first term as the board holds annual election of officers at Tuesday, Dec. 11 meeting.

SAN MARCOS, CA – At its annual organizational meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 11, the Palomar Community College District Governing Board swore in one new trustee, Norma Miyamoto, and one re-elected trustee, Mark Evilsizer. The board also elected new officers for 2019.

Mark Evilsizer, pictured third from the left, was elected Board President and John Halcón, Ph.D., pictured second from the left, was elected Vice President. Nancy Ann Hensch, second from the right, was elected Board Secretary and Dr. Joi Lin Blake, Superintendent/President of the District, was elected Secretary to the Governing Board.

“I am honored to be able to continue to serve the Palomar Community College District,” said Board President Evilsizer. “I am looking forward to a very productive year ahead as the College continues to expand access for all residents within our District.”

Evilsizer was first elected to the Governing Board in 2002. While serving on the Board, he has been involved with the Community College League of California (CCLC); the California Association of Latino Community College Trustees and Administrators (CALCCTA)—where he served as Treasurer (2014-Present) and President (2012-2013)—and he has been a member of the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT).

Miyamoto retired from Palomar College in 2015, after nearly 21 years at the college serving in a variety of positions, including as a classified employee, a mid-level academic director and an Instructional Dean. Miyamoto’s professional organizations include membership in the Community College League of California (CCLA); Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT); Palomar College Retirees’ Association (PACRA); Art Enthusiast Member, Fallbrook Art Center; and Patron, Palomar Performing Arts Circle.

The Governing Board voted to continue to hold its monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. in the Governing Board Room on the San Marcos campus. Board meeting information is available at

John Halcón swears in Mark Evilsizer on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018.

John Halcón swears in Norma Miyamoto on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018.

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Media contacts:

Laura Gropen, Public Affairs,, 760-744-1150 x2152

Tom Pfingsten, Public Affairs,, 760-744-1150 x2960