At the Tuesday, January 14 Governing Board meeting, the Palomar Community College District Governing Board approved the appointment of Debbie King as the Palomar College Foundation Assistant Director. In her role, she will lead the Foundation’s fundraising efforts directed at alumni, the community, corporate donors and individual friends of the College.

King brings more than 15 years of fundraising experience to her new position. Since 2010, she has served as Chief Development Officer at Solutions for Change, a social service agency headquartered in Vista and dedicated to solving family homelessness. From 2000 to 2010, she was Vice President and Executive Director of the Tri-City Hospital Foundation in Oceanside. Previously, she served as Gift Planning Officer and Annual Giving Officer at the Hospital Foundation.

“Debbie is a very talented and dedicated fundraising professional with years of experience in the North County.  The Palomar College Foundation is fortunate to have her in this new key role.  She will add value and help with our goals to grow both the endowment and the annual revenue which is so important to our students and educational programs,” said Rich Talmo, Palomar College Foundation Executive Director.

King is a graduate of Stanford University and a former professional golfer. She is active in community and volunteer organizations and has been President of the Rotary Club of Shadowridge-Vista. She is a resident of Vista.



Media Contacts:

Laura Gropen, Public Affairs Director, 760-744-1150 x2152
Melinda Finn, Public Affairs, 760-744-1150 x2365
Richard Talmo, Foundation Executive Director, 760-744-1150 ext. 2733