Indoor Air Quality

The Environmental Health & Safety area of the Facilities Department ensures a safe and healthy work environment by establishing guidelines for conducting investigations, including air monitoring, in response to indoor air quality complaints or recognized adverse building conditions.

Good indoor air quality enhances occupant health and comfort and contributes to increased workplace productivity and a general sense of well-being.

College building occupants who suspect that an office, laboratory, or classroom may have an indoor air quality problem must contact the Manager, Environmental Health  & Safety.

Palomar College encourages indoor air quality feedback-good or bad.  We record all employee complaints of building-related illnesses.  The College believes these records are necessary to expedite review and evaluation of the system and to support implementation and operation of an adequate indoor air quality program.

All records are maintained by the Environmental Health & Safety area of the Facilities Department.

Other Air Quality Items:

APCD Regulation Updates Nov 18, 2019.