Canvas Course Cross-listing (or “How do I merge my courses?”)

Faculty sometimes teach multiple instances of the same class, and want a way to combine all their students into a single course on Canvas. Typically the question asked is “How do I merge my courses together?

Cross-listing allows faculty to move enrollments from different courses and combine them into one course. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and only want to manage course data in one location. Continue Reading: Canvas Course Cross-listing (or “How do I merge my courses?”)

Canvas Content and Date Restrictions

For this installment of “How to Canvas” let’s assume you want to control when a student can see something within your course… but do NOT want to use the date restriction function built into Modules. Since – at least at the time I write this – Pages can’t have start and end dates, we need to consider what content does. Continue Reading: Canvas Content and Date Restrictions