
Tutorial Menu:

 1.    Two photos of people from around the world and two photos of apes
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada

Mendel's Genetics:

 1.  Photo of hybridized domesticated horses
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada
 2. Photo of Gregor Mendel
public domain
 3. Drawing of common edible peas
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada (modified by Dennis O'Neil)
 4. Drawing of a flower cross-section showing both male and female sexual structures
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada (enhanced by Dennis O'Neil
 5. Diagram showing result of cross-pollination in the first 2 generations
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 6. Diagram showing result of cross-pollination in the 3rd generation
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 7. Diagram of pea plants in 3 generations after cross-pollination
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 8. Drawing of the segregation of alleles in the production of sex cells
produced by Dennis O'Neil

Practice Quiz for Mendel's Genetics:

 1.  Diagram of the phenotypes of plants in Mendel's pea breeding experiments
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 2. Diagram of the genotypes of plants in Mendel's pea breeding experiments
produced by Dennis O'Neil

Probability of Inheritance:

 1.  Drawing of basic Punnett square framework
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 2. Drawing of Punnett square with only the parents' genotypes entered
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 3. Drawing of Punnett square with offspring genotypes shown
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 4. Drawing of Punnett square with both parents heterozygous (YG)
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 5. Drawing of Punnett square with both parents heterozygous (Aa)
  produced by Dennis O'Neil
 6. Drawing of Punnett square with heterozygous and homozygous recessive parents
  produced by Dennis O'Neil

Practice Quiz for Probability of Inheritance:

 1.  Drawing of basic Punnett square with homozygous and heterozygous parents; the possible offspring genotypes are not indicated, but there is a question mark in one of the blank squares
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 2. Drawing of a Punnett square with heterozygous parents; the possible offspring genotypes are not indicated
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 3. Drawing of a Punnett square with homozygous recessive parents; the possible offspring genotypes are not indicated
produced by Dennis O'Neil

Exceptions to Simple Inheritance:

 1.  Photo of polygenic traits: stature, hair, and skin color
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada
 2. Photos of normal and cataract eyes
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada (enhanced by Dennis O'Neil)
 3. Gene control--video clip from Teachers' Domain (copyright 2007 WGBH Educational Foundation and Vulcan Productions, Inc.)
  linked with permission form Teachers' Domain
 4. Photos of human gender differences in facial hair
reproduced with permission from Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Canada
 5. Drawing of primrose flower color related to genotype
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 6. Drawing of type AB blood testing as both A and B
produced by Dennis O'Neil
 7. Drawing of an unstable allele doubling each generation
produced by Dennis O'Neil


 1.  Drawing of how to set up a Punnett Square
produced by Dennis O'Neil

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