Practice Quiz for
Processes of Change

No. of Questions= 9

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following statements regarding culture change is true?
a) Some cultures change while others are stagnant and do not change.
b) All Cultures are inherently predisposed to change and, at the same time, to resist change.
c) All cultures readily accept culture change. Only a few cultures resist it.
2 Culture change can result from which of the following?
a) contact between societies
b) forces at work within a society
c) both of the above
3 Culture loss:
a) is inevitable in all societies
b) occurs only when a society is in decline
c) occurs only when a society collapses and ceases to exist
4 Within a society, processes that result in the resistance to change include:
a) habit
b) integration of culture traits
c) both of the above
5 The movement of cultural objects and ideas from one culture to another is:
a) diffusion
b) transculturation
c) assimilation
6 __________________ is what happens to an entire culture when alien traits diffuse in on a large scale and substantially replace traditional cultural patterns.
a) stimulus diffusion
b) acculturation
c) ethnocentrism
7 The Cherokee Indian named Sequoyah created a unique writing system for his own people in 1821 after seeing English writing. This is as example of:
a) assimilation
b) simple diffusion
c) stimulus diffusion
8 Cultures change as a result of:
a) changes in the environment in which a society exists
b) processes operating within a society but not as a result of processes operating between societies
c) both of the above
9 Ethnocentrism usually:
a) breaks down barriers to culture change
b) has no effect on culture change
c) causes people to resist some forms of culture change



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